If one has to try and understand the system, the basic way to start is by giving definitions to all the various components of it ....some of the definitions are already in place (referring to the various things that classically come under the purview of science).
And when you try to define life the problems in doing so are many..........just after all but a little straining of our teny tiny brains,the conclusion might be that life is nothing special its just matter........but here I am and here you are thinking about the very same thing whereas an atom, does not on its own do such a, immediately one might ask does an amoeba think of life?.......well it does not think of life as we do but it does think of its own survival....
and at this point exactly we might have hit upon a basic definition for life.....Is life something that tends to promote itself?.......
a simple mathematical description of this would be; life is a function (of what? for a later discussion) that always tends to increase its value...i.e if its a function of time then say our reference natal time it is 1 then some time later it trans forms itself to 2 then to 3 on and so forth....As I said there are a great many number of problems with this.....but for now lets just stick with it and see how far we can go about explaining the various phenomenon around us..........
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